Actor stress dreams take this form sometimes, I am assuring myself it’s not just me, I am sure it’s not…Right?
2 nights ago I dreamt that I was doing a workshop and I didn’t have the play yet, I obviously hadn’t memorized any of the lines and I was freaked out. I woke up shaky and upset. What is going on? Where is this anxiety coming from?
Well, in this case the link was pretty straightforward. I have 2 casting workshops coming up and no I hadn’t been doing my homework. Why? Why was I delaying getting this done? What’s the payoff in stressing?
Well… I ‘ve been thinking about that (as well as working on my scenes), why do I/we not do what we know is good for us, what is upside?
Change can be scary, not growing and status quo aren’t. Let me rephrase that, status quo and not growing don’t SEEM scary, they are in fact the worst. When I’m not doing what is good for me I fall into old habits, jealousy, procrastination, bad television. No, I say, I am worthy, I am doing my homework NOW and I am leaving behind the payoff of same old, for the magic of what can be. And so it is.