I rarely (very very rarely) drink coffee these days, but today I am high as a kite on three sips. Max made some for himself and I couldn't resist the smell.
What does this have to do with deep thinking? Well, I am pondering that myself.
Yesterday we secured a theater for Fifty Words, and it feels like a very big deal, no turning back now. I don't want to turn back, but there are feelings and thoughts that come up with new action. I am scared and excited, my mentor Larry Moss would say, don't be scared, be curious. I am apt to do whatever Larry says, so I will be curious. Right now I am curious about being scared, what am I afraid of exactly? Sucking? Yes, in a nutshell, that is it! I am afraid of sucking. So what to do about that? Fuck it (children close your ears) FUCK IT! Fear of failure is pretty much part of being human, right? It's the reason so many good people don't do what is in their hearts to do. I am not going to stop, and I am not going to let this fear determine my actions, because not sharing our gifts, our hearts, our work, our love is what really sucks.